DIY Frozen Bath Bombs

The winter blues may be hitting you hard, but there’s nothing like a steaming hot bath to take away the chill. These DIY Frozen Bath Bombs will help you feel more refreshed and relaxed after a long day in the cold.

Homemade Frozen Bath Bombs

In the movie Frozen, Anna and Elsa create a beautiful ice palace to escape their fear of one another. They created this palace by using an enchanted snowman named Olaf. But if they had used DIY frozen bath bombs instead, the process would have been much easier!

Read on for instructions on how to make your own DIY frozen bath bombs!

Tips for Making Frozen Inspired Bath Bombs at Home

If you are new to making bath bombs at home make sure to swing over and read all of our tips and tricks for making bath bombs at home before you get started.


For these homemade bath bombs, we opted to use metal bath bomb molds. Silicone molds also work pretty well. We opted to use metal in order to achieve the swirling coloring effect easier.

One thing to remember when using metal bath bomb molds is that you do not mush your bath bomb together top to bottom. Instead, you should place your mold together side by side. This way, when it comes time to remove your bath bomb from the mold it will come out easier.

Also, keep in mind, creating bath bombs is at least a 24-hour process. While this is a craft that you can create in an afternoon, they will need to sit overnight in order to harden.

How to Make Frozen Bath Bombs at Home

Let’s get crafting! Below is our written tutorial.

Yield: 5 Bath Bombs

Frozen Bath Bombs

Frozen Bath Bombs
Prep Time 10 minutes
Active Time 20 minutes
Additional Time 1 day
Total Time 1 day 30 minutes
Difficulty Easy
Estimated Cost $10



  • 4-5 mini bath bomb molds


  1. Whisk together the baking soda, citric acid, clay and epsom salts. 
  2. In a second bowl, combine the melted coconut oil, essential oil blend and polysorbate 80 together, mixing well. 
  3. Add liquid ingredients 1 tsp at a time to the dry ingredients, mixing it together slowly so as not to start the fizzy reaction. 
  4. Split the mixture into two bowls and, to one bowl, add the green mica powder and stir until the color is consistent throughout. If you would like a more intense color, add more mica powder in 1 tsp increments, stirring between each increment until you have a dark color. Keep in mind that the color will fade a little when the mixture dries. Do not add colorant to the second bowl
  5. Dust the bottom of one side of the bath bomb mold with the blue mica powder. The sprinkle side tends to come out on its own, so do not bother to dust that side with cornstarch.
  6. Place about 1 tsp of sprinkles in the non-dusted side of the bath bomb mold. 
  7. Immediately pack the dusted side of the bath bomb mold with the blue mixture and the sprinkles side of the mold with the white mixture - alternatively, you can layer the mixture in each mold. Pack extra bath bomb mixture between the two molds, then press the two sides together, grinding and pressing them to force the two together.
  8. Allow the bath bombs to rest in the mold for up to 24 hours before gently tapping the top and side of the mold to release the bombs.
  9. Use your bath bombs immediately or store in an airtight container until you’re ready to use!


For more easy bath bomb tutorials visit

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